Working with the Database Adapter in Oracle SOA Suite 11g

This blogs helps you to work with a Database Adapterprovided in Oracle SOA Suite. Please go through my previous blog <link here> on the initial setup required to work with a Database Adapter. Why Database Adapter? Service Oriented Architecture is all about services, its about your entire business application modeled as Services. In a Business Application, it is obvious that you need database to interact with. But a database by itself cannot be exposed as a service. For ex, in

Setting Default Editor for a file type in JDeveloper

setting default editor for a file

When you try to open any JSFF page by double-clicking in the “Application Navigator”, it will be opened by default in design mode. If the JSFF page is having a large number of ADF components, then opening the page in design mode will take a lot of time. Many times to make small changes in heavy JSFF pages, you may want it open by default in Source mode, rather than in design mode. You can achieve this by following below

How to configure Gmail with SOA 11g using Email Activity

This Article will teach you how to configure Email configuration when using Email activity in BPEL flow Pre-requisite : 1.  you should have SOA server running. 2.  Have gmail account. 3.  download OpenSSL for generating certificate How to do Email configuration with gmail 1 :  Generate the key store and imap and smtp certificate 1.1 open the cmd and go to OpenSSL installation directory home and then bin. for me this location is C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin openssl s_client -connect > imap_gmail.cert

Separate Database As Well As Table structure For Pages

It is some time required to use separate databases as well as separate table structure for separate pages. Or even in same page we can use separate databases. In ADF it can be achieved very easily. I am discussing here the simplest one. ApplicationModule in ADF can be compared with persistence units of JPA, not exactly though as ApplicationModule has a lot of  features that persistence units do not. I have compared with persistence unit as in ApplicationModule configuration also

Setting AM Parameters at Server Startup

It is always possible to set the am p[arameters like jbo.ampool.initpoolsize , jbo.dofailover etc while starting a weblogic server. It will be applicable for all the applications deployed in the server. To do this we must set the environ ment variable without tampering the default setDomainEnv.cmd or startWebLogic.cmd file. To do this I have created one custom script For my case the domain’s bean location is D:OracleMiddlewareuser_projectsdomainsLoanDeliveryDomainbin My script looks like below cd D: cd OracleMiddleware cd user_projectsdomainsLoanDeliveryDomainbin set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS%

Stop Execution Of View Object at First Load of Page

This can be done in many ways. I am going through one simple way without creating managed bean or using task flow. First Create the Fusion Web Application. Then create the ADF Business Components to create Entity Object, View Object and Application Module in  Model project Now create the page to show the table data. Now if you run the page you will see that the VO is executed on First Page Load and it is showing data in table.

Showing Data Based on List Of Values And Bind Variables

 Create one Fusion Web Application with Model and View Controller projects. Create ADF Businesss Components. Like below I have created, One HRApplication is created with HRModel and HRViewController projects. Then created the entities(Employees, Departments) from Employees and Departments tables. Then created the updatable view objects.(EmployeesViewObject,DepartmentsViewObject).   Then created the Application Module (HRAppModule)   Now click finish to complete the Business components. Now I should create the view criteria to create the criteria and create the bind variable to pass the

Application Module – Optimistic Lock vs Pessimistic Lock

In Application Module the locking is by default pessimistic lock. jbo.locking.mode is pessimistic by default. But the practice should be optimistic locking. How to change the locking mode. We can easily change the locking mode by opening “EDIT BUSINESS COMPONENT CONFIGURATION”.   change the value to optimistic. The pessimistic locking holds lock on database but optimistic does not hold lock on database. So in case concurrent update 1> pessimistic locking – The second user for concurrent data update will stuck

Handling Stale Data

While using ADF one internal feature of ADF model is Data Caching. So for neseted application modules sometimes it makes problems like RowInconsistentException. To remove that we can use setClearCacheOnCommit. By default its value is false. But if we make it true it will clear the previous cache on every commit. So the data updated by other users always get updated. It can be done by two ways. 1. Open the ApplicationModule.xml in source mode. and set the ClearCacheOnCommit=”true” or 2.

Use Server’s Data Source In AM Instead Of Application Connection DataSource

Using Data Source instead of normal JDBC connection has lot of advantages. Major one is Data Source behaves dynamically. One can change the Data Source’s Configurations also. While the deployed application will not be affected if Data Base Objects do not get altered. But one problem I have found in industry is that how to configure different data sources in application module(Root Application Module) . Normally for testing purpose we do not use Data Sources we use application modules jdbc