Setting AM Parameters at Server Startup

It is always possible to set the am p[arameters like jbo.ampool.initpoolsize , jbo.dofailover etc while starting a weblogic server. It will be applicable for all the applications deployed in the server. To do this we must set the environ ment variable without tampering the default setDomainEnv.cmd or startWebLogic.cmd file.

To do this I have created one custom script

For my case the domain’s bean location is D:OracleMiddlewareuser_projectsdomainsLoanDeliveryDomainbin

My script looks like below

cd OracleMiddleware
cd user_projectsdomainsLoanDeliveryDomainbin
set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -Djbo.ampool.initpoolsize=110
set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -Djbo.ampool.minavailablesize=50
set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -Djbo.dofailover=true

as I am using windows environment. It should be almost same for unix environment also.

Now if I start the server it will be automatically set during server startup

Below is the screenshot

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