Q1 : What are Selectors in Rational Build Forge?
A : Selectors decide which server resource should run a project. Selector constitutes of a list of variables, which specifies a value with the comparison. E.g., we can specify a property known as Compiler Version = 1.1 to select only those server resources which have the equivalent property. We can also specify the Compiler Version >= 1.1 to select server resources having versions 1.1, 1.3, 2, or 2.0. Whenever a project runs, the selector is assigned to determine which server resource it should run on.
Q2 : What are the functions of Rational Build Forge?
A : Functions of IBM Rational Build Forge is to execute the framework for automating, orchestrating, managing, and tracking all the processes between each client within the assembly line in any software development, thus creating an entirely automated software factory. IBM Rational Build integrates into the current environment to support the major expansion of scripts, languages, tools, and platforms.
Q3 : What are environments?
A : Environment is classified set of variables, which are accessible for following functions after adequately described
Variables should be used in jobs. Environments can be allocated to servers and steps. During the execution of the situation, the running step inherits the values of the variable from all the following three:
1) Server environment connected with the server where the job is being executed,
2) Project environment combined with the project where the step is defined correctly
3) Step environment joined clearly with the step
The scheduled tasks use Set variables. An environment is set for scheduled the job replaces the environment specified for the project.
Set variables are used by the adaptors, assigned to an adaptor link. It is used as the early adaptor in the project.
Q4 : What are chained projects?
A : A project can specify a plan as Pass or Fail Chain. When a project is called in such a way, it runs in its environment. Additionally, it has access to the variables from the calling project. The variables are then copied using the prefix BF_CALLER_. E.g., the variable BF_NAME in the calling project is available as BF_CALLER_BF_NAME in the called project.
Q5 : What do we understand by Tag Synchronizing?
A : Synchronization of the tag is for variables of two projects. We need to select the project whose tag variable is supposed to be synchronized with the existing project. When both projects are synchronized, their variables are taken from the same data pool, so that while running in sequence, one project gets the value 1, the next gets the value 2, and so on.
Q6 : How can we assign as log filter?
A : For assigning a log filter to a step, we must do the following:
1) We should select Projects or Libraries, which is to access the step.
2) We should Select the project or library, which contains the step.
3) We should choose the step to open Details form.
4) Finally Results, then select the log filter needed to run each time the step executes
Q7 : What are Filter actions?
A : Filter actions describe the action taken if a filter pattern is found in step output. Each filter pattern created is associated with a single filter action. Both the filter actions and patterns are explicit in log filters.
Q8 : What are steps?
A : Step is an element of project. When the project is executed as a job, step is run in the same order. The step consists of one or more commands and has properties which affect its properties.
Q9: What are Registers?
A : Registers are the general purpose cushion which steps use for storing persistent data. Ordinary registers have single letter names, or multi-character names beginning with letters.
Q10 : What is Threading?
A : Threading facilitates steps to run simultaneously, either on the same server or other. Thread property setting manages to thread. By default, the property is set to No. It helps in reducing the project execution time when parts of a project which can run independently.
Q11 : What is a Clobber Button?
A : Clobber button removes a project and its associated tasks from the database. System requests for confirmation before clobbering a project. After we clobber a project, it cannot be undone. The button is visible on the editing page of project property; which needs to be selected and then click the icon beside the name of the desired project.
Q12 : How can we Chain the projects together?
A : We can connect projects by using a feature called chaining, to maintain frequently used groups, separately from projects that depend on them. We also use this feature to run automated test and installation of the projects on completion of certain steps. Chaining is also used to delete files that are not needed by the development teams.
Q13 : What is Run Limit?
A : Run Limit property sets the highest number of jobs of the project that are allowed at one time.
1) When we launch a project and the active jobs equal to the Run Limit, then the latest job stays in the queue until the other one completes.
2) When a schedule attempts to initiate a project and the active jobs equal the Run Limit with the Hard Run Limit system set up has a value of Yes, then the system does not initiate the new job. If only the Hard Run Limit is set to No, the system ignores the Run Limit set up for any scheduled builds.
3) Projects which are initiated through an Inline chain are not considered for instances of the primary project and do not count to its Run Limit.
Q14 : What are in line projects?
A : Whenever a step inlines any project, the requested project’s server & project environment are not used. Inheritance goes in the following order: server environment, project environment, step environment. For each step in the called project, the step environment if specified.
Q15 : How can we select the default snapshot in a set?
A : UI identifies only current selector snapshot from a set of the snapshot. We need a reliable approach for choosing a default snapshot:
1) We should use the default snapshot as a base snapshot.
2) Followed by using them as backups. We can modify the base snapshot only. We should not make any changes in the backed up snapshots.
3) We can use the latest snapshot as the default snapshot. Every time we create a new selector snapshot, we should adopt it as the new default selector snapshot. We should not modify the base selector snapshot.
Q16 : What do we mean by Collectors in Rational Build Forge?
A : Collectors describe what should be collected and dispense to the server resources. The section of Collectors in the Servers lists the accessible collectors & allows us to generate new collectors. Collector constitutes of more than one property, which specifies the information, which should be included in the manifest. Collectors facilitate the use of dynamic selectors for which enterprise edition is required.
Q17 : What are Filter patterns?
A : Filter pattern describes the string, which is needed to match in step output. Every filter pattern we create is connected with a single action filter. Filter patterns and actions are both defined on the sets of the filter log. The capability to embrace multiple filter patterns in any log filter and relate it to output from a single step permit to use various search criteria without constructing any complex strings.
Q18: Can we create new templates?
A : The system has inbuilt templates for many events, which can occur. We can create new ones that are detailed to any particular project. When we do this, the particular template is used instead of the global template.
Q19 : How can we use command output to set values?
A : Values of a variable for a .set or .bset command can be generated by sending a command to the server’s command interpreter. To use this command within the dot command, we should enclose the command in backtick characters. For example, the command: .set env SetupGroup “PerlVer=`perl –version`” sets the variable PerlVer to the output of the Perl –version command.
Q20 : How can we fix multiple variables?
A : More than one variable can be set at once with these commands by including supplementary variables and value pairs, separated by spaces, as in the following example: .set env MyGroup “X=5” “X2=45.”