Java Basics – Arrays, ways to create objects, command line argument

Java Basics – Arrays, ways to create objects, command line argument

Java Arrays Generally, an array is a collection of the same type of elements that has a contiguous memory location. Java arrays are objects which contain the elements of similar data types. Moreover, all the elements of the array are stored in a contiguous memory location. In short, the array is a data structure where the programmers can store similar elements. However, we can only store a fixed set of elements in the array. These arrays are index-based so the

Java Basics – conditional statement, switch statement, loops, break continue statement, and operators

Java Basics – conditional statement, switch statement, loops, break continue statement, and operators

Conditional Statement The Java conditional statement is also known as the Java if-else statement. It is used to test many conditions in a program. It checks the Boolean condition that is true or false. There are four types of if statements in Java are – if statement, if-else statement, if-else if ladder statement and the nested if statement. If statement  Java programming languages’ if statement test a condition. It is responsible for executing the if block if the given condition

Java Basics – Overview, Features, JVM and more

Java Basics – Overview, Features, JVM and more

Overview The famous Java programming language was developed by Sun microsystems which were then initiated by James Gosling. It was released in the year 1995 and it acted as the main component of the Sun microsystem’s Java platform. Java SE 8 is the latest release of Java’s standard edition. As Java advanced and gained widespread popularity around the globe, many configurations were built then in order to suit different types of platforms. There are many examples such as J2ME for

Java Basics – Static and Initializer Block, Type Casting, String Handling

Java Basics – Static and Initializer Block, Type Casting, String Handling

The Static and Initializer Block In Java programming language, the static keyword is used for memory management mainly. The static keyword is used along with variables, nested class, methods, and blocks. It is a set of statements in a program that are executed by the Java virtual machine before the main method. When the class loading starts and if the programmer wants to perform a specific task then he or she can define the task inside this static block. This

Lists, Loops, strings, and dictionaries in python

Lists, Loops, strings, and dictionaries in python

Dating back to 1991, python computer programming language is considered a gap-filler and a way out to write a script that automates the boring stuff. It is also considered as a language that rapidly prototypes the applications that will be implemented in other languages available. However, over a few years, this language has emerged as a first-class citizen in data analysis, software development, and infrastructure management. It is not a back-room utility language anymore. Python is a major part of

Python for finance

Python for finance

Technology has become a blessing in finance. Many financial institutions are now evolving into technology companies rather than just staying engaged with the financial aspect. Technology speeds up innovation and helps to gain a competitive advantage. It has become the major helper in finance. Its because the attention for technology by financial institutions has increased a lot in recent years. Among the popular programming languages for finance, you will find Python and R as the most popular ones alongside the

Tableau Tutorial

Tableau Tutorial

Consuming large sets of data is not always easy. At times, these data sets are so huge that it is almost impossible to pick out anything useful from them. Moreover, creating the visualization of these data sets is even tougher. However, it is not completely impossible but who would want to spend hours plotting dots on a scatter chart and pull out useful information? This is where Tableau comes in. Tableau – Table of Contents What is Tableau? Why Tableau?

Pentaho Tutorial

Pentaho Tutorial

Choosing the right Business Intelligence tool can be a tricky process.In this article, we will talk about Pentaho that is one of the best data integration tools in the market today. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to make your decision of going with this tool or not. Pentaho – Table of Contents What is Pentaho? Why Pentaho? Why you should use Pentaho? Pentaho Features Pentaho Architecture Pentaho Benefits Pentaho New Offerings Advantages and Disadvantages of Pentaho