Cross Validation in Machine Learning

cross validation

In this article, we will understand the concept of Cross Validation and different types of Cross Validation. Suppose, we have some data regarding symptoms of patients suffering from a disease. When a new patient shows up then we can compare these data and predict whether that person is suffering from that disease or not. For that, we have to choose the best machine learning method. Cross validation allows us to compare different machine learning methods and help us to know

What is Machine Learning?

what is machine learning

You must have been hearing the phrase from quite a few times. Machine Learning has been used with Artificial Intelligence, as we are going to make a program to teach the Machine for future usage. With machine learning, one PC can easily take on existing data and use it to take future decisions. Machine Learning is used in combination with Artificial Intelligence so that the computer/machine can work without any human intervention or assistance. Let us learn about some of

Future of Big Data & Machine Learning

future of big data and machine learning

Big Data and Machine Learning are still in the early phase of development, still, there are not many resources available for new people to switch to the new languages. As the scope is building in both the new materials more and more people are thinking about moving forward with the new languages. Today let us discuss the future scope in these languages and techniques, and if someone must look ahead in stepping in the new pond, and find out if

Artificial Intelligence vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

article intelligence vs machine learning vs deep learning

We have heard the terms Artificial Intelligence(AI), Machine Learning(ML) vs Deep Learning(DL) together but they convey different meanings. We have discussed below how these topics are different and what they are actually:  Artificial Intelligence: When we talk about AI, we might think of applications like object identification, self-driving cars, movie recommendations which are actually taken from machine learning and deep learning. Well, this statement isn’t contradicting since DL and ML are subsets of AI. ML and DL are methods to